Your support
The Swiss Economic Archives (SWA) continuously implements projects. On the one hand, there are projects for processing and making available new archival holdings. On the other hand, the focus is on digitisation and the creation of new uses for old holdings.
«Digited newspaper clipping collection to the Swiss economy 1850-2012» seeks your support
You can become a dossier sponsor. Select a dossier of your choice from the world of over 30 000 company and association dossiers, personal dossiers or thematic dossiers and mark this selection on your donation. We will digitise it for you!
Here is how you can donate
Make a bank or postal payment in favour of the Stiftung zur Förderung des Schweizerischen Wirtschaftsarchivs, 4052 Basel
Postal account no (PC) 40-18825-7 or IBAN CH02 0900 0000 4001 8825 7 (BIC: POFICHBEXXX)
Add a note "Dossier sponsoring dossier xy" or "Simple donation".
About the project
The project «Digitalisierte Zeitungsausschnittsammlung der Schweizer Wirtschaft 1850-2012» includes the retro-digitisation of 2.7 million clippings in 35 000 dossiers. For many companies, organisations or economic topics they are the only source, for others they complement the available documents perfectly. The collection is unique and has a high usage.
Digitisation is a mammoth project which is planned to last for several years. Digital presentation options significantly improve usage. Digital copies ensure the safeguarding of the holdings.
Renew your donation or make an initial donation! The academic community, young users, but also those in the media or those interested in economic topics will thank you.
Key data
Amount: CHF 765 000 (status 2020), Scope: total 2.7 million newspaper clippings, Period: 1850-2012-, Project duration: 2015-today
With the kind support of:
Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Stiftung Finanzplatz Basel, Zürcherische Seidenindustrie Gesellschaft ZSIG, Vontobel Stiftung, Georg Fischer AG Schaffhausen, Migros Genossenschafts-Bund, FAS Stiftung der Freien Akademischen Gesellschaft Basel, Stiftung zur Förderung des Schweizerischen Wirtschaftsarchivs, Stahel Fritz Zürich, Speiser Heinrich Basel, Migros Genossenschafts-Bund
Retro-digitisation of the paper newspaper cuttings. The project is ongoing.
Archives are a valuable cultural asset. Without these sources, economic and social history are not possible. To safeguard, inventory and digitise sources requires money. Time and again we are dependent on third-party funding for projects.
Processing of the Senn company archive
Amount: Overall project (files and objects, textile collection) CHF 390 000, Scope: 30 running metres (files), Period: 1755-2010, Project duration: 2017-2020
With the kind support of:
The Senn family, Swisslosfonds Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Swisslosfonds Kanton Basel-Stadt, Sulger Stiftung, Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung
A very versatile archive. 200 years of textile history and Basel history. The project was carried out in cooperation with the Museum.BL in Liestal, which took over the object and textile collection. Indexing was carried out by Textilpiazza Kultur, an external service provider for the preservation of cultural assets.
The archive holdings in the catalogue
Securing and indexing of the Alusuisse company archive
Amount: CHF 350 000, Scope: 250 running metres, Period: 1853-2009, Project duration: 2014-2019
With the kind support of:
Alcan Holdings Switzerland, Swisslosfonds der Kantone Zürich, Basel-Stadt, Aargau, St. Gallen und Wallis
One of the most extensive archives of the SWA. The group was one of the largest companies in Switzerland for a long time. A sample project, that was implemented together with Docuteam, an external archiving service provider.
The archive holdings in the catalogue
Processing of the Haefely company archive
Amount: CHF 28 000, Scope: 20 running metres, Period: 1905-2000, Project duration: 2015-2016
With the kind support of:
Christoph Merian Stiftung
An archive that also covers the more recent period 1980-2000. A good example of how an archive can be saved and quickly made accessible with third-party funding.
The archive holdings in the catalogue
Development of the electronic newspaper clipping collection EZAS
Amount: CHF 165 000, Period: 2012 - today, Project duration: 2012-2015
With the kind support of: Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Stiftung zur Förderung des SWA, Staatsarchiv Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Lotteriefonds Kanton Bern, Lotteriefonds Kanton, St.Gallen, Lotteriefonds Kanton Aargau, Lotteriefonds Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Lotteriefonds Kanton Thurgau, Lotteriefonds Kanton Zug, Lotteriefonds Kanton Graubünden, Lotteriefonds Kanton Solothurn, Lotteriefonds Kanton Schaffhausen, Lotteriefonds Kanton Glarus
Investment in the development of the infrastructure for the continuation of the newspaper clippings collection with electronic clipping software.
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